1.1.1 Non-text content - PDF1: Apply text alternatives to images with Alt entry
1.3.1 Info & Relationships - PDF6: Provide table elements for table mark-up, PDF12: Provide name, role, value info for form fields, etc.
1.3.2 Meaningful sequence - PDF3: Ensure correct tab and reading order
2.1.1 Keyboard - PDF11: Provide link and link text using Link Annotation and the /Link structure element
2.4.1 Bypass blocks - PDF9: Provide headings using headings tags
2.4.2 Page titled - PDF18: Specify document title using Title entry in document info
2.4.5 Multiple ways - PDF2: Creating bookmarks in PDF documents
2.4.8 Location - PDF17: Provide consistent page numbering
3.1.1 Language of page - PDF16: Set default language using /Lang entry in document info
Other Writing
Lesson 1 (task 1) Other:
Five criteria and techniques relevant to PDFs Experiences:
Task 1 Other: