Caption Accuracy (Module 2)

Sep 17, 2015 at 8:00 PM by Jeff Clemens

Share your discoveries and impressions about automatic captioning, caption accuracy, and anything related with the course mentor, as well as other students who may be taking this course at the same time as you.

4 Replies

Céleste C.
Feb 2, 2016 at 12:39 PM

Automatic captioning is a great concept and idea, however it needs further development. Due to the inaccuracy of the automatic captioning, this may lead to more confusion than anything else. This may be an opportunity to create jobs, train and hire individuals to do proper closed captioning. Maybe there should be a rule enforcing closed captioning before any videos be open to the public. This will enforce equality, as well as speed up the process of making videos more accessible and as mentioned earlier, create job opportunities.

Jan 27, 2016 at 9:37 PM

I think at this point we just have not advanced enough in the area of automatic captioning to make effective use of it, as the accuracy is deplorable.

I do find from personal and work experience that many educational and other public institutions are now (finally) making sure to plan for captioning during the beginning steps of the video/content planning, so as to avoid the problems later. As all content has to be accessible in Ontario, a student/patron/etc. can request a video in an alternative (i.e. captioned) format, and the institution would be in a scramble to provide adequate captioning (which takes hours for just a 10-min video...) themselves (or paying an outside company to do so for them, resulting in unwanted budget loss). However, chances are that the video one is preparing has a script at the outset anyway, and it is fairly easy to turn that script into captions.

Dec 22, 2015 at 2:12 AM

I find it sad that captions are frequently inaccessible, perhaps even less so than a few decades ago.

I also was unable to get captions on my tv through my remote as a previous assignment suggested I should be able to. This demonstrates the variability of technological devices.

Nov 27, 2015 at 10:44 AM

although it is the easier to caption automatically but it's not 100% efficient. automatic captioning sometimes gives an inverted meaning to words, pictures and so on. automatic captioning saves time and cost, as a result its sometimes used in a brief presentation. the best path to readable and accurate captioning is to manually caption the video.

Caption accuracy help in speech understanding and provide reading practice for adult and children who have not yet mastered reading.