How did your captions compare with those in the video? (Module 3)

Sep 17, 2015 at 8:07 PM by Jeff Clemens

Ask any questions that come up during this exercise, and share your experiences with your mentor as well as other learners.

2 Replies

Jan 29, 2016 at 6:06 PM

My captions ended up almost identical to the ones provided here, except for a few, I'd say stylistic, differences.
I do have one question: should we always aim to have an even number of lines? Almost always, caption 'bits' show up on screen in pairs (two lines at a time), like so:


Clip 9

to facilitate transformative,

global learning experiences.

Should we strive to also always break up our sentences into an even number of segments? Or is that not vital, and simply a matter of coincidence and/or personal stylistic preference?

Dec 22, 2015 at 2:07 AM

I was pleasantly surprised that most of my captions ended up being exactly the same as the ones in the video, with a small handful of exceptions. I think I only got around one wrong, however I have questions about the following two:

1) The captions are

"Take an e-course to learn how

to design global learning journeys

Could this also be:

Take an e-course to learn

how to design global learning journeys?

If not, why?

And 2)

in today's global knowledge based


Isn't knowledge-based a descriptor and therefore modifier of economy? For this reason I thought that they would not be allowed to be separated? Please explain. Thanks!