Captioned Content on YouTube and other portals (Module 2)

Sep 17, 2015 at 7:58 PM by Jeff Clemens

Share your discoveries with the course mentor, as well as other students who may be taking this course at the same time as you. You you familiar with captioned content on other web sites. Please share with your mentor and others who are taking the course.

4 Replies

Céleste C.
Feb 2, 2016 at 12:58 PM

As many already stated, the captions on many of the videos that came up through the search were inaccurate and did not make sense. However, I did come across a video in which addressed the importance of closed captioning videos. I was pleased that the video also addressed the importance of closed captioning sign language videos to make the videos accessible to hearing individuals as well. Closed captioning goes both ways.

Jan 27, 2016 at 9:29 PM

As Alyssa has mentioned, many of the videos that came up through the search were inaccurately captioned, or too far outdated.
From personal experience, I know that often videos that are captioned on Youtube aren't titled/tagged/marked as such, so they are simply a (pleasant) surprise when you happen to stumble on them... This overall lack of general code of compliance on Youtube can be quite frustrating for users with accessibility needs.

On the other hand, I know that some video-rental/sales companies are quite good at designating captioned content. For example, on iTunes, you can filter "Movies" by "With closed captioning."

Dec 22, 2015 at 2:09 AM

Besides the ones showing caption errors, I was surprised to see that many more of the videos than I anticipated were old, connecting to the history lesson provided in Module 1.

Nov 27, 2015 at 10:58 AM

although it is the easier to caption automatically but it's not 100% efficient. automatic captioning sometimes gives an inverted meaning to words, pictures and so on. automatic captioning saves time and cost, as a result its sometimes used in a brief presentation. the best path to readable and accurate captioning is to manually caption the video.

Caption accuracy help in speech understanding and provide reading practice for adult and children who have not yet mastered reading.