A - Perhaps the web page contains important photos but these photos do not contain captions for the screen reader to read to him
Maybe it is not possible to have a computer with him all of the time; perhaps the iPhone with VoiceOver would be an almost perfect option when away from home.
B - Maybe some websites are not optimized for keyboard commands
D - Being colour blind makes it difficult, if not impossible to determine one stat from another on a chart, as without colour it all blends together
E - Perhaps not all websites/ programs he wants to use are optimized for keyboard or mobile device users, making them impossible you use and see comfortably.
F - Some websites may not be compatible with voice to text software.
1 Comment(s)
great points, also it is good practice to make sure the order logic for screen reader is correct. for example, you can tab through a document or website to check if the order is correct.
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Dec 16, 2015