

Posted by Samantha Walsh on 17 Sep 2015

About this course

This course is a gentle introduction to post production, or off-line captioning for web based media players. You’ll learn the basics for how to write captions in a format that your audience can watch online (or locally on your computer).

To take this course, you’ll need:

  • A YouTube account - a Google gmail account will work as well.
  • internet access - high speed is recommended for video viewing.
  • A relatively new computer and operating system, or at the very least Windows 7 or greater, Mac OS 10.7 or greater.
  • Sufficient free hard drive space to store videos.

Student goals and outcomes in this course

To achieve a Online Captioning Basics Level 1 Badge in this course, you’ll need to

  • Demonstrate a grasp of caption basics, including:
    • history of captioning from broadcast captioning to captioning on the web
  • Know basic rules of good caption writing practices, including:
    • caption line lengths
    • parsing caption lines
    • caption line endings
    • non-speech information
  • Parse a short transcript from a video that is under 3 minutes in length into well formed captions
  • Add a video to YouTube
  • Become familiar with the Youtube video editor
  • Upload a video to YouTube
  • Become familiar with YouTube’s caption editor
  • Produce an error-free, grammatically well formed 3 - 5 minute video containing at least 30 captions

To achieve a Online Captioning Basics Level 2 Badge in this course, you’ll need to complete additional exercises, including:

  • Applying additional caption rules DCMP’s Caption Key to an additional parsing exercise
  • The additional parsing exercise involves a video script that is 10 minutes or longer in length
  • Produce an 8 - 10 minute error-free, grammatically well formed video that demonstrates handling of
    • more than one speaker one speaker
    • presentation of non-speech information